










Improving academic outcomes for all students.

Advised by the RI Department of Education, our team was tasked with launching a campaign that focused on soliciting applications for potential Rhode Island teachers. With traffic being directed through social channels across the country, I developed a website that allowed for candidates to read up on the state’s efforts, as well as begin the inquiry process.


Rhode Island Department of Education


NAIL Communications


Providence, RI




Turnaround Effort

As part of a larger, more fundamental effort to reform Rhode Island’s educational system, our client constructed an action plan that involved the reallocation of resources in order to better support public school curriculum, staff, facilities, and technology. Our campaign primarily focused on the staffing portion of this initiative, aiding the local administration in its recruitment efforts. With a student-centered message to relay, we developed a creative that highlighted the altruistic nature of the profession while focusing its attention on the academic outcomes of younger generations. It also worked to promote the incentives of the job, leveraging specific advantages that come with employment in a state such as Rhode Island.

Executing both the design and development for this project, I built the landing page in a manner that allows for individuals to take action while also highlighting pertinent information. Serving as the primary function of the website, I created two options for users to begin their application process–the first being a dynamic widget that links to specific job portals, and the second living as a form that connects those interested with staff. This form would intake the information input by users and transfer it to a CSV file through the use of Zapier automation. This allowed for our client to access details and reach out to individuals personally while also delivering a compassionate message that sets the tone and intention for a brighter future.


Making a Difference

The 4PVDKids staffing campaign would live as a three-month-long recruitment initiative in the context of a larger, more long term action plan formulated by the Rhode Island Department of Education. Serving as the final point of action for users, this landing page allowed for individuals to gain a deeper insight into the efforts put forth by the state while also initiating the application process for nearly 1,000 interested parties.